The Bottomline Blog
It’s difficult to keep your head above water in this madcap digital marketing world.
For your sake, and ours, we distill the digital marketing news cycle into the moments, brass tacks, key take aways….the bottomline.
From the impact of Google algo updates, to best-practices for new or little-known PPC ad platform features or privacy challenges and the latest, ahem, awards we help our clients bring home, you’ll find it here on The Bottomline.
It’s a visual play-on-words. The scuba diver is working on a line on the bottom of the sea. Get it? Don’t worry, we’re better marketers than comedians.

Featured Posts
Among all the delicious content, these are the most memorable dishes.

More SaaS Subscribers in More Markets with PPC Advertising: A Greyscalegorilla Success Story
Greyscalegorilla expanded into new markets, achieving a positive return on investment within 60 days by leveraging YouTube video advertising for awareness and Google search channels for conversions.

A Knak 4 Demand @ 10x ROI: A Digital Advertising Success Story
Knak achieved a 10x return on investment by collaborating with Search Warrant to refine their demand generation strategy, utilizing targeted advertising and intent data to enhance lead quality and pipeline opportunities.

Scaling Demand from Cybersecurity Skeptics: A Field Effect PPC Success Story
Field Effect, a SaaS cybersecurity firm, leveraged peer recommendations and independent product reviews to develope a multi-touch advertising program that significantly increased lead volume and filled their sales pipeline.

$60,000 Annual Win for SEO: A Kinaxis Success Story
Kinaxis enhanced their SEO strategy with search-friendly pillar pages, leading to improved Google rankings for 83% of new pages and 2,000 additional high-intent organic visitors per month.

A Global Search Award for Search Warrant & Kinaxis
A Global Search Award for Search Warrant & Kinaxis The Global Search Awards crowns Search Warrant & Kinaxis for the top PPC advertising campaign in
Our Awards
When client performance, and your team, are recognized, we share it.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Don’t Keep Mum About Google’s MUM
Don’t Keep Mum About Google’s MUM Google does it again! The world of search is abuzz with their latest Search innovation and that’s MUM. 1000x

Apple Changes the Way Digital Advertising is Played
Apple Changes the Way Digital Advertising is Played Last month, Apple rolled out their new AppTracking Transparency policies with the iOS 14 .5 update. Companies

Google Transforms Search by Putting People First
Google Transforms Search by Putting People First Although our business is SEO, for many years now we’ve advised clients that if you want search algorithms
Digital Advertising

10 Tips for LinkedIn B2B Marketing Success
10 Tips for LinkedIn B2B Marketing Success As the most trusted social network and the place where 630 million Professionals are seen, LinkedIn is a

Which Google Ad Type is Best for Me?
Which Google Ad Type is Best for Me? Google has come a long way since the days of offering advertisers text ads on the side

Say Goodbye to Third-Party Cookies. Why Should We Care?
Say Goodbye to Third-Party Cookies. Why Should We Care? There’s an unwritten agreement in place between advertisers, publishers and consumers of content, whether that content
If you have an outrageous digital marketing target or a stretch goal, colour us intrigued.
Bring your thorny issues, your sticky wickets, your pear-shaped problems to the table and we’ll size them up together.