Why Pay Per Click Ads?
Pay per click (PPC) advertising offer you some the best audience targeting available.
Moreover, PPC ads only spend budget when one of your audience members engages with you. You can get a million impressions and never pay a cent if nobody clicks. For traditional advertisers who track impressions, maybe that’s sufficient incentive. PPC isn’t free but when you compare it to other channels, and manage it well, the ROI story is compelling.

Pay per click advertising targets the right people, at the right time
PPC ads allow you to place your message in front of just the right prospects, exactly when they’re looking for it. It’s advantages over other marketing channels are mouth watering. But like every other marketing channel, you have to do it properly if you want it to work.
Putting all the benefits of PPC together
You’re talking to a larger number of higher quality prospects for less money. Despite these advantages, many firms manage to fail with PPC. Making it work for your company hinges on uniting each step in the visitor journey into a single holistic experience. Pay per click advertising isn’t difficult, but doing it well is time consuming, detail oriented, and process driven.
Three fundamental reasons that search marketing can offer you superior ROI:
1. Pay per click leads are better qualified
The first reason is psychological: your message appears when your prospects have announced that they’re thinking about your product or service. In other words, your prospects are in the right frame of mind to accept your offer. They qualify themselves. Imagine how well a burger joint could do if it could instantly deliver a hamburger to you as soon as you felt hungry.
2. Pay per click leads are less expensive
The second reason is cost: the most effective forms of advertising only cost you money when your prospect clicks your ad. Imagine if your print shop only charged you for the 2% of direct mail pieces that get a response. With lower costs, it’s a lot easier to achieve positive marketing ROI.
3. Pay per click leads can come from anywhere
The third reason is reach: rather than a billboard in a few neighborhoods, or appearing in one magazine issue to a single subscriber list, or even mailing to a list of people who were interested in your product or service sometime recently, your message can reach nearly anyone in the world who uses a computer. Of course, you can target smaller areas if you choose: including lists of just the right people.
Pay Per Click Services
It’s hard to beat the targeting, reach, and control that PPC advertising channels offer you over your digital marketing investment. It may not be rocket science but it pays to have a trusted advisor guide you through the planning and execution that make the difference between hitting and missing your targets. At a macro level it’s still a compelling message for the right people at the right time – that you can measure.
Why pay per click ads?
People, budgets, and enterprises are burned by weak digital advertising results every day. Weak results are a symptom though, not a cause. Learn how to ensure your PPC ad returns are healthy.
Pay Per Click Quick Start
Agility is a key strength of PPC advertising. So you can get started quickly - if you have the corner stones of your program in place. Let's get started..
PPC Performance Audit
Your goals, messaging, services, measurement and PPC ad channels can all change so your existing advertising program - even if it's working - may contain gaps and opportunities for improvement too. We can find them.
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