Keywords Analysis
For your SEO results, the keywords on which you choose to focus are still important even if the practice of SEO has changed.
The terms you choose – and whether Google sees them as informational, navigational, or transactional – influence not just how hard they are to win but also the ideal kind of content you should build to win them.
This has real implications for B2B web sites which may be light on transactions and heavy on information.

More than just a word
Once you identify the keywords that matter to you and your audience, you need to decide how to action them. Are you already winning for this term and want to maintain it? Or maybe the term represents a brand new direction for your product or service requiring its own repository of search-friendly content. Each term may required a different approach to optimize for it.
A professional and objective analysis of your keywords can show you:
- Is there traffic on the words you care about?
- Which words your customers actually use when they look for your product or service?
- Which words generate traffic and which words generate conversions?
- Are you already winning on terms of which you’re unaware?
- Are you using your brand to good effect? Are your competitors using your brand to good effect?
Search Engine Optimization
SEO is never done because sitting still means losing ground to competitors who continue to improve. Instead, the question to ask yourself in a B2B enterprise environment is, “Which SEO techniques can I tackle and maintain on an ongoing basis?” The industry is full of ‘experts’ who will run an SEO report to tell you how to win the top Google rank on a term for which no one is looking. If that impresses your executive you need a new executive. Instead, take a look at the SEO services menu below and see which ones fit your situation.
Why SEO?
In enterprise environments, sometimes you need help convincing stakeholders to focus on SEO. We have decades of B2B experience with the Fortune 50 and SaaS upstarts too. Let us help you persuade the corner office.
Keywords Analysis
You can neither win every search term nor does every search term have real business value to make it worth winning. Knowing the right topics and clusters on which to focus your energies is key to SEO success.
Site Migrations
Launching a new site is challenging enough without learning you lost all your organic search results and traffic on day 1. Avoid that fate by working with us on a well-planned migration that measures before and after and ensures there are no surprises.
SEO Tune Up
Sometimes your budget, schedule, or priorities only let you optimize a few key pages at a time. Continue that practice on a regular basis and soon all your top pages are working harder for you. We can help.
Search Visibility Audit
You need to know where you are before you can plan how to get where you want to go. A search visibility audit shows you which ranks you have versus your competition and identifies gaps and opportunities too.
Complete SEO
You can't optimize everything at once so our Complete SEO service looks at your web presence through the lenses of ranks, content, links and technical attributes to identify and prioritize your biggest opportunities for improvement and a plan for tackling them.
SEO Scholarships
An opportunity to be a good corporate citizen while growing your talent pool and improving your organic search results too.